Wednesday, March 5, 2008

'Twas the Night Before Chemo

Since I’m not exactly sure when I’ll be making my next blog entry I thought that I’d say hello and give everyone a quick status.

First and foremost everyone should know that I’m feeling great. I’m grateful that my recovery after round #1 of chemo has basically been a complete one. All side affects have subsided and I have been able to get out for dinner a few times with Amy. And, of course, the bike ride on Sunday was exactly what my mind and body needed. Maybe we should have gone a few more miles… LOL.

Despite this next round getting “kicked up a notch” I’m actually psyched to get it done. I’m better prepared for what it will be like and I’ll be making some adjustments on meds to deal with it. Best of all my daughters Bailey and Erin will be coming home from school tomorrow and Friday. It will be nice to have our full family together for a bit and it will also be a great distraction for me.

And, yes, another hurrah for Team Mintz’s Mentschen! The TEAM continues to grow! Just a reminder that donations can be made via my web page. Who knows? The Austin event is in October maybe I can get myself ready for one of the shorter distances? It could happen!


BigJack said...

I wish we could be there this weekend when all the girls are home. kiss and hug them all, including Amy, for me. I have been wanting to hug you, so maybe they will do it for me, and I'm sending a cyberhug in the meantime.

DD said...

Shorter route? NO WAY!! You are starting to sound like Gracie!! Just kidding Grace!! Best wishes for a successful round 2...

Bruce McClinton said...


I hope you can make it to Austin. It would be great to see you.

By the way, the look works for you. But hold on to the mustache if you can. Maybe a glue-on like in MASH? "Its authentic Lebanese. It'll probably keep growing!" ;)