Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday, April 23rd

I guess the chemo process has lulled all of you into the same rhythmic cycle of numbness that I’m in? LOL. It’s just funny to me that nobody panics anymore if I don’t post a blog entry on a daily basis. No complaints here… status quo in this case is a good thing.

As of yesterday I’m free of the IV again and tomorrow is my regularly scheduled post-IV visit to Dr. Richards for a Neulasta injection and some IV fluids. Or “watering” as the oncology nurses like to refer to it… lol. They get a kick out of being able to say, “OK, Jack’s here to get watered…”. It’s a bit of a time consuming process but it does help at this point in the treatment cycle.

I’m curious to see what my blood counts are this time around since last treatment they dipped very low at this point. Again, no real cause for concern since this is what the Neulasta is for but it’s interesting to know in relation to how I’m feeling. It is good, however, that I’ve been able to work from home and not deal with public transportation during these periods where my immune system is low.

Not much else to pass along that is new news. Mintz’s Mentschen training is kicking into gear as I said it would now that the weather is warmer. Fundraising is also proceeding well as our combined team total is now over the $11,000 mark.

Helen Ihde’s fundraising dinner at The Shrimp Box on May 13th has a number of seats that are still available. Please support Helen’s LiveSTRONG Day event as the Lance Armstrong Foundation will be present in addition to Barbara Rabinowitz, who is the head of oncology from the Meridian Hospital System. It proves to be a very fun evening. I’ll be there with many family members. Helen can be reached for dinner reservations at and 732-604-1928.

1 comment:

Gc said...

I keep checking the blog Jack but I know you will give us the latest and greatest when your up to it. Hope to CYA on a ride soon.
God Speed. Gc