Saturday, July 5, 2008

And now for something totally different...

Just when I start to refer to these treatments as a “monotonous roller-coaster”, as if they’ve become routine, it opened the door for something entirely different. I’m not exactly sure what the cause was, whether it is the chemo itself or inexplicably something I ate, but to say that I have been under the weather for the past couple of days would be an understatement for sure. Ordinarily I’d be dealing with “typical” mouth issues at this point but this time my digestive system has been down for the count big time. So much so that I had the opportunity to experience my first bouts with vomiting (sorry for the gorey details) on top of the other stuff that you can just imagine. So… needless to say I haven’t been sleeping well nor eating/drinking… well, just forget any of that for the past couple of days.

As of this morning things are definitely looking up and I was able to do a little bit of eating today. However, my weight is now down to new levels of “low”. A walk out to the mailbox this afternoon had me needing to sit down immediately. I’m hoping that since things seemed to have turned around that I’ll be able to put some pounds back on and get myself together before the PET scan on Thursday morning.

To be continued…


Anonymous said...

Hi Jack,

Sorry to here you weren't feeling well over the weekend. Hopefully you are better now. I will be sending lots of extra thoughts and prayers for you tomorrow as you get your PET scan done. Hopefully we can get together soon. Tell Amy I said "Hi"!

Tara Dailey

mrmets said...


Thinking of you tomorrow. Remember the race is never won or lost on any one leg, its won over the long haul. Good luck with this leg, you've got a teammate rooting on the sidelines for you.

Mike H.