For those of you that haven’t already heard, the PET/CT results came back as “complete treatment response”. Chalk up miracle #2!! I know that I’m pushing my luck with asking but how many of these do we get? LOL.
As far as other details are concerned, Dr. Richards wants to do 1-3 more treatments before we shut down the treatments altogether. On one hand while I’m both mentally and physically past needing these treatments to be over I also know that I’ll get peace of mind by knowing we went the extra mile to drive every last cancer cell into remission.
One twist to the treatments, however, is that we’ll be proceeding with only 2 of the 3 chemo drugs. The epirubicin will be omitted going forward. This is because one of the potential side affects of epirubicin is heart damage. I’m trusting that the other two drugs will be able to finish the job just fine and I’m glad to be able to have the epirubicin stopped at this point. I’m scheduled for a MUGA scan on June 1st and that will shed some light on any affects that the epirubicin may have had on my heart.
Finally, and as I’ve said several times before on this blog, thank-you to each and every one of you for all of your prayer and words of encouragement and support that came via email, text message, cards, letters, Facebook comments, etc. There is no doubt whatsoever that I am a very blessed and wealthy man.
I will continue to post information here through these next few treatments and I look forward to keeping you all informed as I transition to trying to get my girlish figure back while actively cycling with the Mintz’s Mentschen.