Thursday, June 9, 2011

Status quo.... and that's a good thing

Treatment #9 was yesterday and I'm happy to say that there's just not too much to say about that right now. My blood counts have remained stable and we're scheduled for treatments into early August. As I had mentioned, this will be on a 2-week treatment cycle so it doesn't leave too much time for recovery and real exercise but I'm holding my own just fine.

Our Mintz's Mentschen group is growing very slowly (we're up to 18 people) and our fundraising grand total is just shy of $8,000. Not too shabby but we're obviously hoping for more. My fundraising page can be accessed by clicking here. Thanks for your consideration. With all of the recent news about Lance Armstrong please know that his cycling is entirely separate from what he has done legitimately with his foundation in support of the 28 million people currently battling cancer. The Lance Armstrong Foundation is a worldwide advocate for cancer research and support services.

And for a bit more excitement on the Mintz's Mentschen topic is that we'll have new cycling jerseys for 2011. Check it out!
I'm constantly trying to recruit new team members. For those of you that may be intimidated for some reason please know that I'll probably be just coming off of treatment and riding the same short distance that I did last year. Last year was a 25-mile route and I believe the LiveSTRONG website shows this ride option as a 20-miler for this year. Please come join my riding posse!

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