Thursday, October 16, 2008

Big Day

Well..... today is the big day. My first post-treatment scan and as I mentioned before I'm nervous about it. I guess it's to be expected and I know the fear is a big part of cancer survivorship, something I'll need to come to grips with. For now though it's definitely safe to say that I'm scared.

I feel fine and have no reason to think that the scan will be anything but positive. I just can't help but think that I'm this one scan and a matter of hours away from possibly being back in treatment mode. It gives me a chill just thinking about it.

After all that I've been through I'm definitely not trying to be melodramatic here. I need to vent and I've been told that there are still people out there reading this blog. So thanks for listening.... LOL.

I don't know if I'll get the results later today but hopefully by tomorrow I'll have heard something and I'll post it here as soon as I can.


Bruce McClinton said...

Yep, still here Jack. And hoping for the best.

Ken Carlson said...

Hey Jack, hope the test is clean! Just caught up on your blog- very inspiring seeing you on the bike. Hope to ride with you soon.

Unknown said...

Hey Jack,

Thinking of you and hoping the news is good. It was wonderful to be with you guys the other day. Hope to see you again soon.
love,Sherry and Dan